RedHat 与 CentOS
- RedHat 官方文档(在这里点击 Product Documentation)
- RedHat7 生产环境文档
- RedHat8 生产环境文档
- CentOS 官方,法律
CentOS: 永远有多远就离它多远 CentOS7 好日子到头了,如何优雅的抛弃 CentOS7? CentOS 8 退役倒计时,开发者们又吵起来了
CentOS 居然还用 python2
装 Python3 很费劲
装 python-libvirt 很费劲
安装 CentOS
- GitHub 项目,rhinstaller/anaconda(RedHat 相关发行版的操作系统安装器)
RedHat 系列的 .iso 安装文件中包含了 Anaconda 安装器。
/bin,/dev,/sbin,/etc,/lib,/root, /mnt, lost+found, /proc 这些目录不能创建单独的分区并挂载,只能创建一个 / 以包含这些目录
- 代码:
- 高于 6 版本的分之代码将这个行为封装了
/etc/sysconfig/ # Red Hat Linux 发行版的各种系统配置文件
CentOS 史
CentOS 法律
Centos 变为上游项目
Centos 的创始人新建了一个 Rocky 项目,旨在作为 RedHat 下游 Linux 发行版
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What do you mean, “CentOS has shifted direction?”
The CentOS project recently announced a shift in strategy for CentOS. Whereas previously CentOS existed as a downstream build of its upstream vendor (it receives patches and updates after the upstream vendor does), it will be shifting to an upstream build (testing patches and updates before inclusion in the upstream vendor).
Additionally, support for CentOS Linux 8 has been cut short, from May 31, 2029 to December 31, 2021.
Q: So where does Rocky Linux come in?
Rocky Linux aims to function as a downstream build as CentOS had done previously, building releases after they have been added to the upstream vendor, not before.
Q: When will it be released?
There is not currently an ETA for release.
Q: What is the vision for Rocky Linux?
A solid, stable, and transparent alternative for production environments, developed by the community for the community.
Q: Who drives Rocky Linux?
We all do, Rocky Linux is a community-driven project and always will be. Rocky Linux will not be sold or driven by corporate interest.
Q: How can I get involved?
Please view the contributing section below.
Centos Stream 问题汇总
CentOS Stream 使用了别人已经用了很久的 system-resolved.service 服务,但是从 centos8 升级到 centos stream 后,服务有了,但是却并没有自动启动该服务,也就导致了没有 /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf 文件,很多程序在发现 system-resolved.service 后,会去读取这个文件,比如 kubelet 程序。
Glad to hear it! Please tell us how we can improve.
Sorry to hear that. Please tell us how we can improve.