


Kubebuilder 代码示例详见 GitHub 上我的 kubernetesAPI 仓库

kubebuilder 命令行工具

用于构建 Kubernetes 扩展和工具的开发工具包。 提供用于创建新项目,API 和控制器的库和工具。 包括用于将工件打包到安装程序容器中的工具。


  • 初始化项目:

    • kubebuilder init –domain example.com –license apache2 –owner “The Kubernetes authors”
  • 创建一个或多个新资源 API 并将代码添加到其中:

    • kubebuilder create api –group <group> –version <version> –kind <Kind>

Create resource will prompt the user for if it should scaffold the Resource and / or Controller. To only scaffold a Controller for an existing Resource, select “n” for Resource. To only define the schema for a Resource without writing a Controller, select “n” for Controller.

After the scaffold is written, api will run make on the project.

kubebuilder [COMMAND]

Available Commands:

create Scaffold a Kubernetes API or webhook

edit This command will edit the project configuration

init Initialize a new project

Initialize a new project including vendor / directory and Go package directories.

Writes the following files:

  • a boilerplate license file
  • a PROJECT file with the project configuration
  • a Makefile to build the project
  • a go.mod with project dependencies
  • a Kustomization.yaml for customizating manifests
  • a Patch file for customizing image for manager manifests
  • a Patch file for enabling prometheus metrics
  • a cmd/manager/main.go to run

项目将在写入项目文件后提示用户运行 “dep sure”。

kubebuilder init [FLAGS]


  1. –domain STRING # domain for groups (default “my.domain”)
  2. –fetch-deps # 确保下载依赖项。(default true)
  3. –license STRING # license to use to boilerplate, may be one of ‘apache2’, ’none’ (default “apache2”)
  4. –owner STRING # 在每个代码文件的开头添加 Cpoyright
  5. –project-version STRING # project version (default “2”)
  6. –repo STRING # 用于 go 模块的名称(例如 github.com/user/repo),默认为当前工作目录的 go 包名。
  7. –skip-go-version-check # 如果指定,请跳过检查 Go 版本


  • 使用 “The Kubernetes authors” 作为所有者的 apache2 许可证来搭建项目
    • kubebuilder init –domain example.org –license apache2 –owner “The Kubernetes authors”

最后修改 August 22, 2024: kubernetes (84b81f69)